If you live in the Village of Lake Success, or anywhere in Nassau County, under sink or a whole house water filters may be a good idea. Water by its very nature is a very good solvent. In fact water is very good at dissolving other materials, including both nutrients and contaminants. Of course the quality of your water will vary by its source. Meaning, it is a factor if your drinking water comes from wells, public utilities, or private companies.
Regardless of the source of your drinking water, the water that enters your home is almost certainly not completely free from impurities. Many impurities are harmless, they might just affect the flavor or smell of your water. For instance sulfur is found in many drinking supplies. Water contamination may occur naturally or from human activities; some of the first signs of contaminated water is a bad smell and taste.

Clean pure water should be odorless, colorless, and tasteless to be most enjoyable. Filtering the water can effectively remove all impurities, making it safer for you to drink and use for any purpose. Whole house water filters, and other styles of water filters are readily-available in just about every hardware store, or online. It is always recommended that you call a professional plumber to help you install the device and make sure that it actually works as advertised. It is also advisable to make use of the internet to properly investigate different water filet types.
[box type=”info”] Where does the drinking water in Nassau County come from?
If you live in Nassau County, or anywhere on Long Island, all of your drinking water comes from underground aquifers. Unlike metropolitan NYC, none of your drinking water comes from reservoirs, or any other source. That is why it is essential to protect your groundwater sources from all forms of contamination. That can mean from chemicals, illegal dumping, and faulty waste water treatment systems (which include home septic systems). What would could possibly consider a more valuable resource than the drinking water you, your family, and your community rely upon?
That said, because your drinking water comes from a variety underground sources, the quality and taste of it may vary. That is why frequently whole house water filters can be a good idea for you. It can improve both the taste and quality of your drinking water.[/box]
Under Sink Water Filter
The good thing about an under sink water filter is its relatively small footprint. It is the most cost-effective solution for an individual sink. Installation is also quite straightforward. Assuming you have some plumbing DIY skills, and are able to follow an instruction manual included in the water filter kit, you can save costs on the installation. While it is not an overly complicated process, you still have to pay attention to basic plumbing safety and understand how the filter works. Never forget that any instalaltion can affect the drinking supply for your whole family.

An under sink water filter can be a perfect solution for every individual sink. There should be enough room under bathroom or kitchen sink to fit a filtration kit regardless of the types (ion exchange, osmosis, or carbon). In a house where there are two or more sinks (and all require filtration), just remember you will then have to maintain multiple filters. Therefore in many cases choosing a whole-house filter, over the under-sink model, makes more financial sense, and save time in maintenance.
The Advantage of Whole House Water Filters
The installation process of a whole-house water filter is pretty elaborate. A whole-house water filter works in the same way as its under-sink counterpart. The difference is that with the former, you are dealing with the main supply line, which means you only need to install only one unit to filter every faucet in the entire house.
In simple terms, the filter intercepts the flow of water from the main water supply valve to every faucet and plumbing fixture in the house. The device itself is usually bulky, and it may consist of a pre-filtering component, and the actual filtration system. Before water enters a filtration system, most of the larger impurities have been removed in the pre-filtering component. Such a method extends the lifespan of the actual filter as it doesn’t have to handle larger impurities.
Make sure you are working with a spacious-enough area. You will need enough space at a later date, when servicing the equipment too. Depending on the pipe material used for your water supply line, there can be a lot of soldering involved. Remember that whole house water filters does not last forever. With that in mind, an experienced plumber would install a bypass line. A bypass a pipe connection allows your water supply to run directly to the house without going through the filters. This allows you to maintain your water supply in the event the filtration system is clogged, repaired, or replaced. An efficient whole-house water filter should stay functional for at least 5 years before it needs replacement or repair. Contact the Balkan Sewer And Water Main Team anytime for expert advice, and prompt and courteous service.