Root Killer For Drains: A Solution for Roots in Sewer Lines

Surface tree roots above the ground.

Root growth is the single most destructive problem with residential drain and sewer systems. Roots growing into the pipes seek water and swell to greater and greater size when that water is found. Roots can block pipes, causing sewer backups and drain flow issues inside the house. Eventually, roots can grow so big that they break the pipes resulting in underground plumbing disasters. Read on and find out what we have come up with as a long-term solution as a root killer for drains.

No one wants to deal with broken sewer lines caused by nearby root growth. Many households engage in a constant fight against roots with regular root-cutting services. This is true for commercial and even municipal plumbing systems as well. A root killer for yard drains can also be a good idea.

Any property where roots have found their way into the underground plumbing will deal with the ongoing need to stop those roots from growing into a situation of flow blockage and eventual pipe damage.

Copper sulphate crystals act as a root killer for drains.

Copper sulphate crystals act as a root killer for drains and sewer lines

How About A Long Term Solution To Roots Inside of Drain Lines?

Here at Balkan, our team has found a long-term solution to sewer root growth. And we’re providing it to every customer who comes to us with roots in their sewers and drains: RootX. Root killer foam coats the inside of your pipes to kill existing roots and discourage new root growth with a permanence that root cutting just can’t achieve.

If you have root problems in your drains and underground sewer lines, we’ve got the one-stop answer that prevents service after service of root remediation.

How Roots Grow into Sewer Lines and Underground Plumbing

Roots in your pipes start the same way. A nearby plant sends out tiny threads which find the damp joints of underground pipes. They wiggle into those joints seeking water and then start to thicken when the moisture inside the pipes is reached. This is how a plant’s roots can enter your pipes and grow large enough to block them before actually breaking the plumbing fixtures.

Of course, if the plant is a tree or bush with the potential for very large roots, eventually those threads will grow large enough to not only block but also break the invaded pipes.

What Is The Most Common Solution And Long-Term Solution For Roots Inside Pipes?

The most common solution to root blockages in sewer pipes is to use a drain or sewer snaking service that will use cutting blades on the end of a snake. This trims the tendril roots and root masses growing inside the pipe itself. Much in the same way, a bad root clog can be cut in order to break it up. The bits of root then flow away with the natural flow of the pipe once the mass is cleared.

However, cutting roots and sewer hydrojetting have the same biological effect on the plant as pruning the branches above ground: rapid regrowth. Anyone with gardening experience knows that trimming or pruning a plant actually encourages new growth. It’s a good tactic for flower bushes and young trees.

It’s a bad way to stop roots from growing in your pipes. Trimming temporarily clears the blockage. But you’ll need another root trimming service in just a few months because all those roots will grow back with enthusiasm.

Root Killer For Drains as a Long-Term Solution

So what is better than trimming the roots? Root trimming is a mechanical and short-term solution. A carefully designed root killer for drains is the solution that lasts without frequent revisits for repeat services.

When implemented correctly, a root-killing solution not only gets rid of the roots in your drains and sewers, it prevents new growth and without the encouragement of frequent pruning.

Root killer designed for drains is a non-corrosive solution that can be poured directly down your toilet or sewer cleanout access. When the root killer comes into contact with water, it forms a foam that then coats the entire inside of your pipes, all the way around.

Any roots that come into contact with the root killer immediately begin to shrivel and die. The dead root mass then breaks up and is carried away by the natural flow of the pipe. Root killer not only kills current roots but also discourages new growth more effectively than trimming.

Roots inside a cast iron sewer pipe.

Cast Iron Sewer Pipes Full of Roots

Why We Use RootX as a Root Killer For Drains

Here at Balkan Sewer & Drain Services, we strive to find the best solutions for every client. Sometimes that means quickly replacing an underground fixture or section of pipe. But ideally, we can solve your problem with little to no disruption of your plumbing and sewer systems via our drain cleaning services. We chose RootX to provide to our clients because it is the most effective, safe, and non-disruptive root killer solution.

RootX is a non-corrosive aquatic herbicide that does not include common cautionary components like diquatic dibromide, copper sulfate, or metam sodium. It is rated ‘Caution’, the lowest possible chemical hazard rating, and will not damage your pipes with extended or repeated use. What’s more, it is non-caustic, non-fumigating, and non-systemic. It also does not harm above-ground plants in any way. Merely preventing them from extending their roots into your sewer pipes.

For many properties, RootX is only needed once or every few years. For properties with highly persistent root systems, RootX works as an easy pour-in solution applied only once a year for long-term root growth protection.

Do You Have Root Blockage Problems in Your Sewer Lines?

Is your home or commercial property engaged in the constant battle against root-growth sewer blockages? The Balkan team is ready to help. We provide the best non-corrosive root killer on the market for quick root clearing and long-lasting root growth prevention. All it takes is a few minutes to pour the root killer into your clearout or toilet and the foaming herbicide takes care of the rest.

Contact the Balkan Drain Team today about roots in your sewer lines for your first highly effective and property-safe RootX sewer treatment. We look forward to solving your sewer root problems once and for all.

Tree roots inside of a clay sewer pipe.

Clay Sewer Pipes Full of Roots